Thursday, October 11, 2007

Oct 11 - Living situation

I have a small room (but I guess a little bigger than my last one in Boulder) with a double bed, two tables and two small book stands. The floor is concrete; I have a single uncovered light bulb hanging from the ceiling, a mosquito net (that is too small for the bed), a clock, and a window without a screen. The stuff I brought from home is on top of the chairs and tables with nothing on the floor (so creepy crawlers don’t get into them). My average meal is pasta or rice with beef or pork in a broth and a simple salad. It tastes pretty good, but I know I will like more variety before the training is over. Sometimes we eat empanadas that are great. I have been craving cheese and chocolate lately (neither of which we eat in the house...not sure why).
Just about every night I have a homework assignment for Guarani class that my host-family helps me with. They always laugh at the goofy way I pronounce words (like neko’e which means morning). Tomorrow another trainee and myself are going into Asuncion by ourselves on a project to find a nonprofit organization and interview one of the leaders of the organization. Neither of us have been to Asuncion before and part of the reason the Peace Corps is doing this activity is so that we will get to know the bus systems and get to know the city. On Saturday each trainee is going out to a different rural area to stay with a volunteer for 4 days. I do not know which area of Paraguay I am going yet, but am sure that it will not have Internet or international phones. It may not even have electricity, but I am looking foreword to seeing another part of the country and likely more like what my permanent living situation will be for two years.

1 comment:

Jim and Pam said...

Hi Scott!

Just now getting around to reading your message. Jim and I talk about how wonderful it is that you have taken on a committment like this.

It must be tough to move into such a different environment but given time, it will all work out. I hope you are writing in your journal because it will be a good thing to look back on.

Please keep on writing about your experiences we really enjoy your postings.

Colorado has a bit of chilly weather coming in, soon it will be winter, freezing cold! Skiing is really expensive this year so you won't be missing out on that anyway.

Randy, Bec and Anna are doing fine. I bet Randy would love to have your bike! He is still working on the broken down Toyota and wants to sell the Camaro. He is working a lot for Discount Tire. When he comes home he is black from dirt head to toe.

Went to Grammy and Grampys the other week for bday celebrations. Both are doing so well and seem very happy. We are so glad they have moved closer to everyone.

Will go for now, if you need anything let us know. We could try to ship something to you like chocolate? Not sure the cheese could handle the mailing lag.

Take care for now and keep on keepin' on!

Love Jim and Pam