Friday, October 5, 2007

Oct 5 - General Paraguay Info and Training

baby goat that was born next door to my house yesterday. It is adorable!
Well for those of you who do not know much about Paraguay that is understandable, I did not either. It is not exactly the first place people look at on a map. So first of all, it declared itself a bilingual country and almost everyone speaks either Spanish or Guarani or a combination of the two. Guarani was the language the native Paraguayans used before the Spanish moved in. Now there is no separation between the Spaniards, and natives...everyone is just Paraguayan. Though there are some German influenced towns, and some Asian communities...oh yeah and Mennonite communities also. Many Germans moved here after WW2, some were Nazis who wanted to excape punishment.

Paraguay is a very interesting place. It is hot now, and will be incredibly so in a couple of months. The small town I live and am training in is called Nueva Espiranza and is an adjacent community to a larger town called Guarambare. Guarambare is about 1 hours drive from the capital city Ascuncion. Guarambare has a couple of main paved roads, but the community I live in is all dirt roads. It takes about an hour to get to Guarambare from my house, either by walking or taking two buses.

I have a diverse diet of beef, beef and more beef....pretty much for every meal. Actually today was the first day I had another sort of protein (pork), which I woke up to the pig being slaughtered this morning by our neighbors. I then watched them pour hot water over the pig and to clean it and take of the hair. Today (Oct. 4) is a special holiday for the Catholic church (San Francisco) in my community so the whole town had a parade, decorated the town, and attended mass...and of course many families ate the pork from my neighbors recently deceased pig. I thought my host family and I were going to go, but I guess they decided not to because they went the night before.

My host family owns a 6 month old pig, about 13 chickens, 2 hamsters, and a garden. We have electricity and running water (though it is not hot). I am still getting used to taking cold showers every day, but it is pretty refreshing after a hot day. In the morning it is pretty awful. The house has open windows...insects and small frogs come and go as they please.

Though communication is hard between my host family, we usually just end up laughing at each other and joking around. They are all very nice and fun. Benito works as a merchant and construction worker. A couple of days ago he went to Argentina and I think to trade a thick sugar that is made with honey. I think it is often used instead of chocolate in deserts.

If anyone wants my mailing address it is:

Scott Burgess, PCT
Cuerpo de Paz, CHP
162 Chaco Boreal c/Mcal. Lopez
Asuncion 1580, Paraguay (South America)

Mail takes three to four weeks if not more, and about %20 does not make it. Paraguay is rated the third most corrupt country in the world, but people joke that it is really #1, but they lied about it so they would not be #1.

We lost our first volunteer yesterday. She said that she was too homesick and though that she would continue to volunteer in the US where she could still follow her ideals, but also be close to her family and friends. The last class that finished its service had about half of the volunteers leave before their two years was up...though that was an unusually high rate.

Personally I think volunteering is going to be the most influential, hardest, and incredible thing I have ever done. I am excited to go to training every day to learn Guarani and about Environmental Education practices in Paraguay. They are very long and intense training days, but really great information. Today we are talking about previous environmental projects that groups in Paraguay initiated and why they succeded or failed.

1 comment:

Bill Burgess said...

I was thinking that if I got to the computer sometime Saturday morning that I would be able to put something on this site and you would receive it on your weekly walkabout into town. Looks like you visited yesterday. Let me know if this is the best way to keep in touch with you or e-mail or ?
It sounds as if you are on quite an adventure. I'm sure that you will be a tremendous asset to the program. The knowledge and experience you acquire and share will be invaluable to both yourself and the Paraguaian people. Makes me jealous. Everything but the cold showers in the morning!!!!
I imagine that homesickness would be an obstacle to overcome, but I'm sure that this in time will deminish as you get further acclimated into your daily routine.
I'm really proud of you.
Unlike yourself, everything here is the same ole boring stuff. Working hard, playing hard, and advertising.
CU beat Oklahoma last weekend by a field goal in the last 2 seconds. I had a chance to go to the game with George Russell but declined because I thought it would be a blowout. This kind of decision is precisely why I'm not a bookie.
Again, let me know if this is the best vehicle for communication and/or if you need anything.
Thinking of you.