Thursday, November 22, 2007

Site Assignment

Found out yesterday that I am going to live in Carapegua ! It is an urban site about 2 hours away from Asuncion by bus. The city has about 15,000 people within city limits, and another 15,000 just outside the city. There has been one environmental education volunteer who has been working there for the last two years and she does a lot of great work with the school systems and teachers. I am really excited to finish training and start working there....


MoM said...

Hi Scott -

Congratulations on your assignment! I am so very proud of you. The school system, teachers and students in Caragegua are going to find out very quickly how very lucky they are! I hope is it rewarding work for you there and we are all anxious to hear more about it as you get there, get settled and start to formulate what you will be doing.

We missed you on Thanksgiving a lot. And besides missing you, I bought too big a turkey and mashed too many potatoes!

Love you,

Linda Hawkins said...

What an exciting time this has to be for you. Congratulations on getting your assignment in an urban area like you wanted to be in. We are enjoying all your stories, experiences, pictures, and are proud to say we know someone like you who is giving in so many great ways! Way to go, guy!